Saturday, 13 February 2010

Cause I WAnt To Look Like I have something more important to do

Do You Have That Feeling Of Blogging Every Second Or Eveytime An Interesting Event Happens?

Like, Oh My God, That Joke Was So Funny, I Should Post It On Blogspot Or Wordpress Cause I Think Others Should Know That Joke Too!

But yeah, i feel like, you know that if you blog too often, its makes u look damn desperate for attention, it makes u look bored, it makes you look like all you do is blog.

its not that blogging is wrong, but i think that blogging and making a diary or journal, is not the same (unless your blog is your journal), in which, i think that you better buy a diary instead of posting every personal detail on the internet to read or see. unless youre desperate for attention, then thats fine.

anyway, i wanted



you? that


do u kno cam that feeling x

like when cam theres this girl, and cam, u dont even like her, but cause u made the stituation to be like that


ada this girl la, i dont like her

tapi cam me n my fren cam joked bout her being pretty and all


serious dia ada misai dia x pretty

tp cam nak say "hi" pun cam gigil2

its funny la its like a crush

a 19 year old dengan crush, sampai gigil2 nak say hi to a girl with a misai

damn misai

i think the misai is like, a freaking torch like a beam thingy, then it attracts me like a fly la
haritu there was this girl, she is in the class beside me

she came out, then i sad, "weh, ******, ko cam ada...."
i didnt say misai

i held myself from saying misai

babi tul misai


Tuesday, 9 February 2010

My Idol

I have an idol

He says alot.

He quotes alot.

He promises alot.

He delivers more.

I'm Not Saying Who My Idol Is Though.

It's A Mystery. It Builds Suspense If I Keep It To Myself. But I Bet You Can Guess Who He Is.

I Was Reading The OnlineNewspaper Cause I Am Saving Money To Buy Something.

In Case Your Mouse Is Retarded, I'll Paste What I Read.

Focus on innovation and speed, says Najib

PUTRAJAYA: Creative and innovative thinking, as well as speed in making decisions and executing policies, are the keys to achieving the Government’s “Four Pillars” agenda, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said.
The Prime Minister said the four pillars – the 1Malaysia concept, the Government Transformation Programme (GTP), the New Economic Model and the 10th Malaysia Plan – could only be a success if civil servants embraced them, used their creativity and innovation, and were quick and efficient in executing the agenda.
 I Only Read The Headline Cause The Mouse Scroll Was Retarded.

From The Title, I Made Assumptions As Usual.

They Were:

1. Lets Not Focus On Quality, Lets Only Get The Job Done As Possible. No Matter How Shitty The Quality Is, SPEED IS THE MOST IMPORTANT.

2. Lets Be Innovative, IE: Copy Others, But Make Minor Adjustments. IE: Lets Make More Shitty Proton Cars. Which Are Supposed To Be Mitsubishi Standard, But SUCK MORE.

3. Lets Suck Together, But Look More Professional In Sucking, And, Also SUCK With More Effort and SUCK With Slogans To SUCK By.

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