Monday, 30 March 2009

chat chat chat chat clik teng3

NOW INSPIRED BY BEAN, THE CHAT SEGMENT!!! this chat session is with my old friend razin from sekola agama manatah!

Razin Kamal Nizar: kote dowh
kakers ni
bodo ak bosan lar

sfg_dragon: kakers?
tu apa

Razin Kamal Nizar: kakers 2 sangap

sfg_dragon: ko jawa ke pe ni

Razin Kamal Nizar: jawa kratong

sfg_dragon: kratong tu kat ne

Razin Kamal Nizar: adohai

sfg_dragon: ak tau kratong tu kat tengganu
platfom minyak lol

Razin Kamal Nizar: jawa kratong 2 sjenis jawa
berasal dr indon
ko x g art week?

sfg_dragon: art, xkot, apa tuh, kurang minat, dgr kat radio je

Razin Kamal Nizar: mgu kesenian di mana anda boleh berinteraksi dgn pelukis2 komik, freelance ape lancau sume ah

sfg_dragon: aku kat umah da ada lancau, takmo la g tgk lancau pro lol

Razin Kamal Nizar: bodo
evry lancau has its own uniqueness

sfg_dragon: i feel my lancau is enough
my heart has only one spot for lancau, and that is my lancau and my lancau only mahaahhahaah

Razin Kamal Nizar: ?
ko ni feeling ker ngn kote sndiri?
wat kind of sexual orientation is dat?
weh ko taw
kt 89
ak pnh tgk ad laki ni******* BLEEEEEEPPP********

the rest is censored
u want teh full conversation leave comment then i will story

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