Monday, 21 December 2009

Have Balls, (not necessarily big ones), but Have Them Nonetheless

the full title would be Have Balls, (not necessarily big ones or tegang ones, but have them nonetheless. if you are a female, have decency to have *****, not big ones or perfectly shaped ones. therefore, to become more equal, and also to apply to small children, the title is actually have nipples. cause everyone, females or males and children have them.)

So the new title is:
Have Nipples
And some ask: Why are you telling us to have nipples? We already have nipples, very fine nipples, which sometimes even turn hard when its not cold. (in my opinion only grade-A nipples turn hard even though its not cold)

Well the answer would be that, Amirul Hafizi bin Zulkifli, is pissed; (i am not he, amirul hafizi is my friend is for those who do not know), because of anonymous comments. Apparently Amirul Hafizi now called Izi, is like everyone else.

Izi does not like people who hide behind false names, or no names at all. And thus, would like then 'to have balls' or 'nut up'. Lets be brave, and not leave anonymous comments anymore.

These ideas are Izi's and not mine.

Now to what i really want to say,
Is that,
We can't say something without justifying why it is.

You can't say i am stupid without saying why i am 'stupid'

I saw a poll on Star online, where it was like

'Do you agree with the move by certain residents’ associations to block access to their neighbourhoods in a bid to fight crime?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Depends on which roads are being blocked by the barriers
View Results

the results now are 

Do you agree with the move by certain residents’ associations to block access to their neighbourhoods in a bid to fight crime?
Depends on which roads are being blocked by the barriers

See how stupid people are, judging without knowing anything. How without assessing a situation, they can agree or disagree, how 63% of the masyarakat @ rakyat of the online community can blindly vote without knowing how things are.

You want more proof of blatant stupidity? Here, let me enlighten you:

TNB has applied for an increase in the electricity tariff? What is your view on this?
It’s a fair request due to escalating production cost
It’s not the right time for TNB to ask for an increase
I need to know how much of an increase TNB is asking for

Now, see how people say no, even though not knowing how much the increase will be. Lets say TNB do something out of the norm, ie increase the tariff by 2% for instance, the effect will barely be felt.

Come on, lets assess something before saying NO! or YES of COURSE!!
Don't follow your emotions. Think la bodoh. Wait for justification, or justify.

Moral of the story? Don't say i'm stupid haters, without saying why. Sorry this post is long. Only women and gays post long posts lol. Want proof? Next post. Wait it out. Lanxiao


Malyque (عبد الملك محمود مناف) said...

haters all around the world, let us be true to ourselves; say TAK NAK kepada ANONYMITY!!! come clean and lets GANK lotlotters~ TAKBIR!!! =P

. said...

Haters got not life. Nuff said.

izi said...

hate no balls eh??

farhanahizani said...

lotfi only has one hater (the one who said bangsat thingie).
the other anonymous was me.
BUT i can say that i am izi's hater.

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see the boxes at the bottom (of the post) ? Tick one if you have the time. Because if the genre is disliked, similar posts won't be done. thanks. btw fuck nuffnang.